
Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt?

Don’t get caught in the ink! 17% of people who get tattoos eventually regret them.

Yet many people keep their tattoos until they die. Most people think that getting a tattoo removed hurts. The only way to determine if it will is to study the laser tattoo removal process.

What happens when you get your tattoo removed? What affects how much pain you have during the procedure? How can you prepare for your removal?

Answer these questions and you can have clean and perfect skin in no time. Here is your quick guide.

The Tattoo Removal Procedure

Removing a tattoo involves using lasers that will break up the pigment in your tattoo. Your body will then absorb the remaining small particles of ink, causing your tattoo to disappear.

The lasers penetrate into the upper layer of the skin, but they do not affect blood vessels or muscle cells. You may need multiple treatments to remove your tattoo, especially if it is very large or has multiple colors.

Before the lasers are turned on, a doctor will inject an anesthetic into your skin. After the lasers are switched off, you can rub an antibacterial lotion on that will let your skin heal. You can also go home or return to work immediately.

Factors That Affect Pain

The location of your tattoo is a major factor in how much pain you feel. The skin on your joints is close to the bone, so you will feel pain while tattoos on your shoulders and knees are removed. Your extremities have a lot of nerve endings, so tattoo removal on your hands and feet will hurt a lot.

However, your legs and arms have more flesh on them. Getting tattoos on your bicep or thigh removed will result in only a little pain.

The older your tattoo is, the less pain you will feel because some of the ink has vanished. You also will experience less pain if your tattoo is smaller or has less dynamic colors and textures.

How to Prepare for Your Tattoo Removal

After you talk to a tattoo removal service and schedule getting a tattoo removed, you can perform steps to decrease the pain. You can try deep breathing to calm yourself down and take your mind off of the discomfort of removing a tattoo.

You can take Tylenol before your session, but do not swallow ibuprofen. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol, which can irritate your skin and delay the healing process. After your procedure, you can drink some water to rehydrate your skin.

The Essentials of Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser tattoo removal involves using lasers that destroy pigment particles on your epidermis. You will receive an anesthetic before the procedure and ointments afterward to reduce your pain.

Getting tattoos on your shoulders, hands, and feet can result in significant pain. But tattoos on your back, legs, and arms will hurt less.

You can reduce your pain by staying calm and taking Tylenol. After the procedure, go home and rest and monitor your skin for signs of peeling.

You can try other methods to get your tattoo removed as well. Read more tattoo removal guides by following our coverage.

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