
Tanzanite vs Sapphire – Which is the better blue gemstone?

Tanzanite is a type of zoisite, but this gemstone can also be called blue sapphire. The stone is relatively new on the market, but it’s already gaining momentum due to its beautiful color, terrific cut and great value. This article will discuss which gemstone you should choose, provided that you have any interest in buying either one.

Tanzanite vs Sapphire

When it comes to blue gems, there is no comparison between tanzanite and sapphire. Tanzanite is a brighter, more intense blue than sapphire and has a slightly higher refractive index. However, sapphire is the clear favorite when it comes to color and clarity.

Tanzanite often has inclusions or blemishes that can diminish its beauty, but these flaws are relatively rare in sapphire. Another downside of tanzanite is that it can be difficult to find a clean specimen—especially if you’re looking for a blemish-free stone. Sapphires are also available in almost any color you could imagine, so they’re more versatile for jewelry purposes.

When it comes to blue gemstones, many people consider tanzanite to be the clear winner. Tanzanite is a rare and beautiful blue stone that is often compared to sapphire. However, there are several factors that can influence which gemstone is actually better.

One major difference between tanzanite and sapphire is price. Sapphire is a much more expensive gemstone than tanzanite. Another factor to consider is durability. Sapphire tends to be more durable than tanzanite, but this depends on the quality of the sapphire. Finally, tanzanite has a slightly different color than sapphire. Some people find this difference quite attractive, while others find it less noticeable.

Tanzanite vs Sapphire: Which is the better blue gemstone?

When it comes to blue gems, tanzanite and sapphire are two of the most popular options. They both have a deep blue color, but there are a few key differences between them that can affect your choice. Here’s a closer look at each stone and why you might prefer one over the other.

Tanzanite vs Sapphire: Color

One of the main reasons people choose tanzanite over sapphire is because tanzanite has a deeper color than sapphire. Tanzanite is mainly blue, with traces of yellow and green, whereas sapphire is mostly pure blue. This means that tanzanite will appear darker when set in jewelry compared to sapphire.

Tanzanite vs Sapphire: Luster and Fire

Another difference between these two stones is their luster and fire. Tanzanite has a high luster rating, meaning it shines brightly in light and has a smooth surface texture. Sapphires on the other hand, have a lower luster rating and can have some spots or streaks on their surface that give them more depth (or “fire”). However, this difference isn’t always noticeable in real life and depends largely on the quality of the stones being compared.

Tanzanite vs Sapphire: Price & Availability

Finally, one of the biggest factors to consider when choosing between tanzanite and sapphire

History of Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a blue gemstone that derives its name from Tanzania, where it is primarily mined. It ranks as the 10th most valuable gemstone on the planet. Tanzanite is a member of the sapphire family and shares many of the same characteristics, including a hardness of 6.5 on the Mohs scale and a high refractive index.

The history of tanzanite is complicated and has varied over time. In ancient India, tanzanite was thought to be a form of turquoise and was used in religious ceremonies. Arab traders brought tanzanite to Europe in the 9th century and it quickly became popular among royalty and wealthy individuals. It was not until 1868 that tanzanite was first discovered in Tanzania by Danish geologist Jens Peter Jacob Asbjørnsen. The popularity of tanzanite continued to grow throughout the 20th century and it is now one of the most popular blue gems on earth.

The blue gemstone known as tanzanite has a fascinating history that goes back centuries. The first mention of tanzanite comes from ancient China, where it was called the “King of Blue Gemstones.” Over the years, tanzanite has become popular all over the world as a beautiful and unique blue gemstone.

Tanzanite is a member of the sapphire family and is found in countries such as Tanzania, Kenya, and Zimbabwe. It is mined mainly in these areas and has a deep blue color with a hint of green. Tanzanites are often cut into small pieces to make jewelry ornaments.

Tanzanite is considered to be one of the most beautiful blues available on the market, but it does have some drawbacks compared to other gemstones. For example, tanzanite isn’t as durable as other gems and can easily be damaged in a fall or during transport. Additionally, tanzanites don’t usually hold their color very well over time, so they may need to be re-stocked regularly if you want to keep your jewelry looking fresh.

History of Sapphire

Sapphire is a member of the beryl family and has been mined in various parts of the world for centuries. The first mention of sapphire comes from China where it was called houyang. Sapphire was also found in Brazil, Russia, India and Madagascar.

The oldest known sapphire mine is located in Sri Lanka and dates back to 2500 BC. The Romans were the first Europeans to discover sapphire deposits and brought the gemstone back to Europe. Sapphire was particularly popular with royalty because of its rarity and luxury.

Today, sapphire is found in many different colors including blue, purple, pink, yellow, green and orange. Blue Sapphires are the most common type of sapphire and account for over 90% of all sapphires sold commercially.

The history of sapphire goes back to antiquity. The ancient Egyptians believed that the blue sapphire was a symbol of royalty. The Greeks and Romans also prized sapphire gems for their beauty. In fact, the word “sapphire” is derived from the Latin word “sapphirius,” which means “clear as a sapphire.”

Sapphire is a rare gemstone, but it’s not as rare as some people think. There are several sources where sapphires can be found, including Africa, Sri Lanka, India, and Russia. However, the best source for sapphires is Madagascar. This island is home to more than 90 percent of the world’s supply of sapphires.

Sapphire has a bluish color that varies depending on the quality of the stone. Some Sapphires have a faint purple hue while others are almost colorless. Both Tanzanite and Sapphire are considered blue gems, but Tanzanite has a slightly higher vibrational frequency than Sapphire which gives it a darker blue color.

Sapphire is one of the most popular blue gemstones on the market. It is a member of the sapphire family, which includes other gems like ruby and turquoise. Sapphires come in a wide range of colors, including blue, green, purple, yellow, pink, and black.

The history of sapphire goes back thousands of years. The first sapphire mines were found in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Today, sapphire is mined all over the world.

Tanzanite is another blue gemstone that is often compared to sapphire. However, there are some important differences between them. For example, tanzanite is less expensive than sapphire and has a slightly different color palette.

The difference between these two gems

When it comes to selecting the perfect blue gemstone, many people might think of sapphire as the clear winner. However, when it comes to tanzanite, there could be a case for choosing it over sapphire. Here’s why:

Tanzanite does not get scratched as easily as sapphire.

When it comes to blue gems, there is a big difference between tanzanite and sapphire. Here are four key differences:

1. Tanzanite is a slightly less expensive choice than sapphire.
2. Tanzanite has a more intense blue color than sapphire.
3. Tanzanite is more durable than sapphire.
4. Tanzanite does not need to be treated with special care like sapphire does.


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