
The Different Types of Spinal Cord Injuries That Can Occur Today

Did you know that some Americans sustain a spinal cord injury annually? These injuries can result from all types of accidents. Some of the most common factors involve car accidents and sports injuries.

Constant medical research offers hope for those coping with spinal cord injuries. New treatment options lessen recovery time and improve quality of life.

If you’re worried that your accident may lead to a spinal cord injury, read on. This guide covers different types of spinal cord injuries.

Compressive Injury

A spinal cord compression injury is when the spinal cord is squeezed or compressed. This type of injury can happen from something as minor as a car accident to something as major as a fall from a great height.

The symptoms of a spinal cord compression injury can vary depending on how severe the injury is. Some people may only experience minor pain while others may be permanently paralyzed.

Contusive Injury

A contusion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a blow to the head or body that causes damage to the brain. It results in bruising of the brain tissue.

A contusive injury to the spinal cord is a type of TBI that results in bruising of the spinal cord tissue. This can happen when the head or body is violently jarred, as in a car accident.

It can also result in paralysis and even death. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to improving the chances of a full recovery.

Dissociative Injury

It’s a type of spinal cord injury (SCI) caused by a single, traumatic event. However, it is now known that SCI can be caused by a number of different mechanisms, including repetitive trauma, inflammatory conditions, and even tumors.

While the exact cause of dissociative SCI is still not fully understood, it’s believed that the injury disrupts the normal function of the nervous system, resulting in a wide range of symptoms.

These can include types of paralysis, sensory deficits, changes in bowel or bladder function, and sexual dysfunction. In some cases, dissociative SCI can also lead to psychological changes, such as mood swings, anxiety, and depression.

While there is no cure for dissociative SCI, a variety of treatments are available to help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.

Ischemic Injury

This type of ischemia occurs when blood flow to the spinal cord is reduced or blocked, and it can lead to permanent paralysis and even death.

The most common cause of spinal cord ischemic injury is Anterior Spinal Artery Syndrome, which is a condition that results when blood flow to the front of the spinal cord is reduced.

This can happen due to a number of different factors, including a blockage in the arteries that supply blood to the spinal cord or a reduction in the overall blood supply to the spinal cord.

Treatment for this condition is typically very aggressive and includes measures such as surgery, IV fluids, and blood transfusions.

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Complete Injury

This is defined as an injury in which the person has no motor or sensory function below the level of the injury. This means that the person is unable to feel or move their legs or feet and has no control over the bladder or bowels.

This is a very serious injury that can lead to many complications, including respiratory problems, pressure sores, and muscle atrophy. There is no cure for a complete injury, but there are treatments available that can help improve the person’s quality of life.

Incomplete Injury

Incomplete injuries to the spinal cord refer to instances where the cord is damaged, but there is still some functional connectivity between the brain and the body below the lesion.

This is in contrast to a complete injury, which results in a complete loss of function below the level of the lesion. Although it typically results in less paralysis than complete injuries, they can still cause significant disability.

Transient Injury

Spinal cord transient injury (SCI) is a type of neurological damage that can occur when the spinal cord is suddenly and briefly deprived of oxygen.

This can happen when the blood supply to the spinal cord is interrupted, such as during a car accident or a fall. SCI can also occur when the spinal cord is compressed, such as during surgery.

It can include paralysis, loss of sensation, and loss of bowel or bladder control. While the symptoms of SCI can be very debilitating, most people who suffer from this type of injury make a full recovery.

With proper medical treatment and rehabilitation, most people with SCI can regain the ability to walk and live relatively normal lives.

Chronic Injury

Chronic injuries to the spinal cord are those that result in long-term or permanent damage to the spinal cord. These injuries can be caused by a variety of factors, including traumatic events, degenerative diseases, and infections.

It can lead to a loss of function and feeling below the level of the injury, as well as a host of other problems. Treatment for chronic spinal cord injuries often includes physical therapy, medication, and surgical interventions.

Learn More About Types of Spinal Cord Injuries Now

There are many different types of spinal cord injuries that can occur today. Some of these include chronic, transient, complete, and compressive injuries.

It is important to seek medical help as soon as possible if you think you have sustained a spinal cord injury.

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