
American University Supplemental Essay Prompt.

Applying to college can be a daunting process, especially if you’re hoping to attend a highly selective school like American University. To make sure your application stands out and gets noticed, you’ll need to craft a compelling and well-written

Applying to American University? If you’re looking to write a standout supplemental essay, you’ve come to the right place. This blog post will provide you with all the information you need to write an effective and compelling essay for your application. We’ll take a look at the university’s prompt, discuss how to approach the essay, and help you craft a response that will stand out from the rest. Read on for tips and guidance on writing your American University supplemental essay.

a supplemental essay that focuses on why you want to attend AU. But before you sit down to write this important essay, it’s crucial to understand the prompt given by the admissions committee. In this blog post, we will go over the American University Supplemental Essay Prompt in detail and suggest some tips for crafting an effective response. Let’s get started!

The AU supplemental essay prompt

The American University supplement asks you to select one of six different prompts and write an essay in response. The prompts are:

– Why are you interested in attending American University?
– How will your background, experiences, and values contribute to the American University community?
– What are your academic interests and how will they be addressed at American University?
– Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma—anything that is

The American University supplemental essay prompt is a great opportunity for applicants to share more about themselves with the admissions committee. In this essay, applicants should describe what they will bring to the AU community and how they will contribute to the university’s mission. This essay should be thoughtful and well-written, as it will give admissions officers a better sense of who the applicant is as a person.

of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.
– An essay on any topic of your choice.

We hope these tips help as you work on your AU supplement!

Tips for writing the AU essay

When it comes to writing the American University supplemental essay, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be sure to focus on why you’re interested in

When it comes to the American University supplemental essay, there are a few things you can do to make sure your response really stands out. Here are some tips:

-Be personal: The most important thing is to be genuine in your response. The admissions committee wants to get to know you, so don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through.

-Be specific: In addition to being personal, it’s also important to be specific in your answer. This prompt is asking you why you want to attend American University, so make sure to mention specific programs, faculty, or opportunities that interest you.

-Avoid clichés: It’s okay to use a little bit of humor in your essay, but avoid any overused phrases or jokes that everyone has heard before. Be original!

– proofread!: Always proofread your work before hitting submit. A few typos can really hurt your chances of getting accepted, so take the time to edit and revise until your essay is error-free.

When it comes to the American University supplemental essay, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, be sure to answer the question that is being asked. The admissions committee is looking for your unique perspective on their school, so don’t simply regurgitate information from their website or brochures. Instead, take this opportunity to share what you find appealing about AU and how you think it would fit with your academic and professional goals.

Another important tip is to be concise. The essay prompt allows for up to 250 words, but that doesn’t mean you should use all of them. In fact, admissions committees prefer essays that get right to the point and are free of fluff. So focus on making your argument in as few words as possible.

Finally, don’t forget to proofread your essay before hitting submit. A well-written essay can be undone by careless errors, so take the time to read over your work and make corrections as needed. By following these tips, you can rest assured that your AU supplemental essay will make a great impression on the admissions committee!

n AU and what you hope to gain from attending the school. This is your opportunity to really sell yourself and make your case for why you belong at AU.

Next, keep in mind that the essay should be personal and specific to you. Avoid generic statements or clichés—this is your chance to stand out and show who you are as an individual. Be honest, creative, and detailed in your response.

Finally, don’t forget to proofread your essay before submitting it. A few typos can easily ruin an otherwise strong essay, so take the time to edit and revise until your piece is polished and ready to go. With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to writing a great AU supplemental essay!

What to include in the AU essay

When writing your American University supplemental essay, be sure to include the following:

1. Why you are interested in attending American University.

2. Why you are a good fit for the university, including what

The American University Supplemental Essay Prompt asks you to write about your intellectual interests and how they connect to the programs offered at AU. This is your opportunity to showcase your academic strengths and interests and connect them to the programs at AU that you are interested in.

When writing your AU essay, be sure to include:

– Your intellectual interests and how they relate to the programs offered at AU

– Why you are interested in the programs at AU that you have chosen

– How your academic strengths and interests will contribute to your success in these programs

By including these elements in your essay, you will give the admissions committee a well-rounded view of who you are as a student and what you can contribute to their campus community.

you can contribute to the campus community.

3. A specific example or two of how you have demonstrated leadership in your life.

4. An explanation of your academic and/or professional goals and how American University will help you achieve them.

How to stand out in the AU essay

In order to stand out in the AU essay, you need to be unique and different from the rest of the applicants. There are a few ways to do this:

1) Write about a topic that is not common. This could be a hobby or interest that you have that not many people know about. It could also be an experience that you had that was unique and different from what other people have experienced.

2) Be creative in your writing. Write in a way that is different from how most people write. This could mean writing in a more poetic style

There are a few key things you can do to make your American University supplemental essay stand out. First, be sure to focus on why you want to attend AU and what specific programs or opportunities there are that appeal to you. Second, give concrete examples of your academic and/or professional achievements that demonstrate your readiness for university-level work. Finally, make sure your essay is well-written and free of grammar and punctuation errors. By following these tips, you can submit an outstanding AU supplemental essay that will help you stand out from the rest of the applicants.

or using metaphors and similes to paint a picture with your words.

3) Show who you are as a person through your writing. Let your personality shine through so that the admissions committee can get to know you better.

4) Don’t be afraid to take risks. Be bold in your choices and don’t be afraid to go against the grain. This will make you stand out and shows that you are not afraid to take risks.

5) Have confidence in your writing. Believe in yourself and your ability to write a great essay. This will come through in your writing and will make you more likely to succeed.


In conclusion, the American University supplemental essay prompt is a great way for applicants to demonstrate their interest in the university and make a lasting impression on admissions officers. The open-ended nature of the prompt allows students to

Completing the American University supplemental essay prompt is a wonderful way to showcase your unique qualities and stand out from other applicants. Taking the time to craft an intriguing, thoughtful, and honest response that showcases your passions and interests can help you make a lasting impression on admissions officers. With careful consideration of your experiences and goals for attending college, crafting an effective response to this prompt should be well within reach!

be creative and show their unique writing abilities. As long as students take the time to brainstorm an idea that is meaningful to them, they should have no problem crafting a fantastic response that will help give them an edge when it comes time for decision day.

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