
What is a spotted lanternfly and why might it cost $22 million

The spotted lanternfly has been described as “the most destructive and invasive pest in Pennsylvania” and the potential cost of controlling this tiny bug is estimated to be a staggering $22 million. But what is the spotted lanternfly and why is it so expensive to control? Read on to find out more about this mysterious insect, its impact on Pennsylvania’s agriculture, and how much money it could cost us.

What is a spotted lanternfly?

A spotted lanternfly is a brightly colored, invasive insect that was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. Since then, it has spread to neighboring states including New Jersey, Delaware, and Virginia. This destructive pest feeds on over 70 types of plants, causing extensive damage to crops and trees. The economic impact of the spotted lanternfly is estimated to be $ million per year in the United States.

A spotted lanternfly is a type of invasive planthopper that is native to parts of Asia. It was first discovered in the United States in 2014, and has since been found in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware. The insect gets its name from the distinct pattern of spots on its wings.

The spotted lanternfly is a serious agricultural pest that feeds on a wide range of crops and trees. Some of the plants that it feeds on include: apples, grapes, hops, maples, and oaks. The insect can cause significant damage to these plants, which can lead to decreased crop yields and even tree mortality. In Pennsylvania alone, the spotted lanternfly is estimated to cost farmers $39 million per year in lost revenue.

The best way to prevent the spread of this destructive insect is to stop it from getting into new areas. This can be done by inspecting vehicles and equipment before moving them from infested areas, and by removing egg masses from infested trees.

Where have Spotted Lanternflies been found in the United States?

The Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) is an invasive planthopper that was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014. Since then, it has been found in Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, and West Virginia. It is native to China, India, Vietnam, and Korea.

The Spotted Lanternfly feeds on over 70 different types of plants, including many fruit trees and grapevines. This feeding can damage the plant and make it more susceptible to disease. The Spotted Lanternfly also excretes a sticky substance called honeydew, which can promote the growth of sooty mold on leaves and fruit. This can make the plant less able to photosynthesize and reduce crop yields. In addition to damaging crops, the Spotted Lanternfly is also a nuisance pest because of the honeydew it produces.

Spotted lanternflies have been found in the United States in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.

How do you identify a spotted lanternfly?

The spotted lanternfly is a member of the planthopper family and gets its name from the spots on its wings. It is native to China, but has been introduced to other countries, including the United States. The spotted lanternfly feeds on a wide variety of plants, including trees, fruits, and vegetables. In the United States, it is particularly fond of tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima), a non-native species that is common in urban and suburban areas.

The spotted lanternfly can be easily distinguished from other insects by its unique coloration. The adults are about 1 inch long and have black bodies with white spots. The wings are translucent with dark veins running through them. The nymphs ( immature stage) are bright red with black spots and no wings.

If you think you have spotted a lanternfly, it is important to report it to your local extension office or agricultural department so that steps can be taken to control this invasive species.

To identify a spotted lanternfly, look for an insect that is about 1” long and ½” wide. It has large wings with spots, and its body is yellow with black spots. The spotted lanternfly is native to China, India, and Vietnam.

Why might it cost $22 million to eradicate a spotted lanternfly infestation?

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive species of insect that is native to China. It was first discovered in the United States in 2014, and has since been found in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, and West Virginia. The insect is a serious threat to agriculture, as it feeds on a wide variety of crops, including grapes, apples, peaches, and hops. In addition to damaging crops, the spotted lanternfly also causes damage to trees by feeding on their sap.

The cost of eradicating a spotted lanternfly infestation can be significant. A recent study estimated that it would cost $22 million to eradicate the insect from just one county in Pennsylvania. The high cost is due to the fact that the spotted lanternfly is difficult to control and eradicate. It has a wide range of host plants that it can feed on, which makes it difficult to target with pesticides. In addition, the insect is highly mobile and can quickly spread to new areas.

There are several reasons why it might cost $22 million to eradicate a spotted lanternfly infestation. First, the spotted lanternfly is a highly invasive species that is not native to the United States. It was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014, and since then, it has spread to 13 other states. Second, the spotted lanternfly feeds on over 70 different types of plants, including many crops that are important to the state’s economy, such as grapes, apples, and hops. Third, the spotted lanternfly is difficult to control because it can fly long distances and lay its eggs in a wide variety of locations. Finally, there is currently no effective method for eradicating the spotted lanternfly once it becomes established in an area.

What is being done about this problem?

The spotted lanternfly is a destructive pest that has been spreading throughout the United States. The insect damages crops and trees, and can be a nuisance to homeowners. State and federal agencies have been working to control the spread of the spotted lanternfly, but it has been difficult to eradicate.

In Pennsylvania, where the spotted lanternfly is native, the state Department of Agriculture has implemented a quarantine. This means that certain items (including plants and vehicles) cannot be moved out of the quarantined area in an effort to prevent the further spread of the pest. The department also conducts surveys to track the infestation, and educates the public about how to identify and report sightings of the insect.

The USDA has also been working to control the spread of the spotted lanternfly. The agency has developed a management plan that includes regulating interstate movement of goods, conducting research on biological controls, and providing education and training on identification and management of the pest.

Federal and state agencies are working together to try to control the spread of the spotted lanternfly, but it is an ongoing challenge. More research is needed to develop effective methods of control, and these efforts will require significant resources.


The spotted lanternfly has proven to be a costly and persistent pest in recent years, with the potential to cost Americans an estimated $22 million if it is not controlled. By being aware of what this insect looks like and taking preventive measures such as trapping, killing adults and destroying egg masses, we can work together to prevent further spread of this destructive pest. We must all do our part in order to reduce its rampant growth and protect our crops from destruction.

In conclusion, the spotted lanternfly is an invasive species that has been wreaking havoc in states across the US. It is believed that it could cost up to $22 million to prevent and eradicate this insect from these areas. The best way to do so would be through early detection and trapping programs as well as pesticide control methods. Though it’s a costly endeavor, ultimately the goal of removing this pest will have lasting positive effects on local economies, ecosystems and human health.


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