
The Cause of a Leaking Furnace and How to Fix It

During the cold winter months, every homeowner wants their furnace to work perfectly.

But even though furnaces are built to last regularly look over your furnace to make sure it’s in good condition. No matter how regularly you service your furnace, if something goes wrong, you might not be able to fix it yourself.

Instead of waiting for a house in the cold weather to realize your furnace isn’t working, you should be aware of the most common causes of a leaking furnace, and how you may be able to fix it.

Building up your home care skills can save you money and frustration down the road. If you want to be sure your furnace is operating at its best, keep reading below to get a list of the common ailments of a leaking furnace and how you can fix it.

Overflowing or Clogged Condensate Drain

Water condenses from the exhaust gases produced by the combustion processes in your furnace. This water is discharged through a condensate drainage system, which consists of an exit pipe, a draining vent, and a condensate pan.

Clean and unclog the condensate line before turning off your furnace and any connected appliances at the circuit breaker. Track down the condensate pan. Typically, it’s under the air handler or in the utility closet.

If the condensate pan is rusted or has holes and cracks, this could also affect the condensate drain line and result in a leak. This frequently occurs with old, worn-out condensate pans.

When the condensate drain pipe on your furnace is disconnected or cracked and you don’t have the tools to fix it, call a plumber or HVAC system specialist to fix the issue.

Jammed Condensate Pump

The condensate from high-efficiency condensing furnaces often drains into a pipe. Your furnace will need to be pushed out of the basement if it is put there because the drainage lines are underground.

You’ll need a condensate pump to move the water from the outdoor drain pipe into the pump tank through a draining hose. The pump tank and any attached drain pipes will overflow if your condensate pump is clogged or broken. A significant leak will be created when the water flows back onto the furnace or the floor.

If you’re the type who can fix just about anything, you can assess the condensate pump’s condition and decide whether it can be repaired or needs to be replaced. When your furnace stops performing as it should, you can be left wondering how much it’s going to cost you for a furnace repair.

Humidifier Is Leaking

When the humidity is high, we get sticky, hot, and uncomfortable feelings. If the humidity is low, you’ll notice the signs of dehydration right once, like slack skin and a dry mouth.

When turned on, a furnace humidifier maintains a balanced level of humidity. The humidifier helps your immune system combat air contaminants, creating a healthier atmosphere for you and your family.

There are various causes for the humidifier in your furnace to leak. Water drips down the cabinet because the water panel is jammed. The cabinet is flooded with water due to a clogged drain pipe on the humidifier.

A malfunctioning solenoid valve, water is being sent to the panel evaporator where it shouldn’t be. And too much water pressure is present. Clean the water panel to remove any water stains if that is the problem.

To make sure the humidifier’s drainage is not blocked, check it. If there is a block, remove it by using a tiny wire.

The Heat Exchanger Is Cracked

A component that transmits thermal energy is a heat exchanger. To be more specific, heat is transferred to the ductwork by the heat exchanger from the combustion chamber. It keeps harmful combustion fumes from contaminating the warm air being provided to your home.

If your heat exchanger is dripping, it is likely cracked, enabling water that ought to be draining through the condensate drain to find another way out of the furnace.

Keep in mind that a leaking heat exchanger might release hazardous chemicals like carbon monoxide that are harmful to your health. An HVAC specialist is the only person qualified to handle a broken heat exchanger.

Disassembly is necessary for a heat exchanger evaluation. It can’t be fixed by making mistakes first. Because heat exchanger cracks are related to the age of your furnace, most HVAC repair professionals would urge you to repair the component.

Filter Is Clogged

We are aware that a clogged filter restricts airflow, resulting in furnace ignition and overheating issues. Even though it won’t immediately result in a leaky furnace, a blocked filter may result in leaks if the furnace and air conditioner share the same ductwork.

Given that the evaporator coil is typically located directly above the furnace in air conditioning systems, a clogged filter restricts airflow to the coil, causing freezing temperatures and a lot of moisture.

If the condensate drain is unable to remove the water quickly enough, the frozen moisture will melt when your AC is turned off and spill onto or below the furnace.

If the filter is still functional and less than three months old, remove it, clean it, and reinstall it. To clear a clogged furnace filter, use a fresh filter in place of the filthy or damaged one.

Moisture Leak From the AC

You can be running the heater and air conditioner on the same day if you reside in a region with significant temperature changes between day and night. Air conditioners must drain this moisture through the condensate pan because they take in a lot of moisture from your house, which cools down to become water.

Water may flow down the heating system and appear to be the source of the leak if the pan overflows or the drain is plugged in. Verify that the AC is, in fact, the source of the leak. Inspect the drain and furnace pan for obstructions and overflow.

Learning How To Fix Leaking Furnace

A leaking furnace could be due to several different issues. The most important thing to do is to figure out what is causing the leak and then take the necessary steps to fix it. Depending on the cause of the leak, you may be able to fix it yourself or you may need to call a professional.

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